Soccer Party 11.2.11

Our wonderful coaches!

Logan getting his trophy...he earned the "Fastest" award!

Lindy giving our coaches their gifts from all of us!

Way to go Chargers!  You had a great season and we're all so proud of you!

Way to go buddy!
Tonight we had our end of the season soccer party!  We had it at a local pizza place and it was a great night.  It was a great chance for us to honor our coaches and all the hard work they put in this season.  I'm so grateful for all the time and effort they put in to coaching.  I know this is all volunteer on their part, and we all know how busy things get.  Logan learned so much this season and had a great time doing it!  I mean, look how proud this little guy is???  We'll never forget our season with the Chargers!

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