Chalk Art 11.17.11

Our chalk board wall...a bit bleak with nothing on it...but then...

Now that looks better...look at all that awesome kindergarten art!

Logan going through his alphabet.

My proud boy with all his art work...looks like quite the collection Logan.

Pinterest strikes again...ever since Logan started Pre-School I've been trying to figure out the best way to highlight all the great work he does at school.  I had it taped to the pantry (that left too many marks), I had it on the fridge (ran out of room), we lined the hallway (couldn't really appreciate them), and knew I wanted to do something in the playroom, but what?  Then I saw this fantastic idea on Pinterest...paint one whole wall with chalkboard paint, then use chalk to make frames for all the art and then you can erase/swap out however you want!  Genius!  So, over the long weekend we did it!!!  And I'm thrilled with how it turned out and Logan was just so darn proud to show what he had accomplished!  Thanks again Pinterest!

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