More of day two 7.13.11

Logan and Craig on the ropes.
That smile just gets me every time!

Ummm, does this not look like the most fun ever?

This was Logan's favorite thing this time. He would hang on and swing from one end to the next. So strong!!

My adorable godson!

After our morning trip to the beach, we headed to a local park that we had been to before and remembered fondly. It did not disappoint the second time around! It's this simply fantastic wooden play area that looks like a castle with so much for the kids to do. I think Logan and Craig would have stayed and played for hours if given the chance. Brett had fallen asleep before we got there, but he woke up in time to play for a bit! It was perfect...our little guys got to run around and burn off some energy while Karen and I enjoyed some delicious coffees.

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