Congratulations Katie 8.7.11

The girl of the hour with her sweet little neice, Aubrey!

Katie got this absolutely adorable apron and ovenmitt.  Could she be any more adorable?

Logan spent most of the party hanging with Papa at their house, but he "happened" to make it up to Mick and Cheryl's in time for cake!  Hmmm.  Here, Angel, Jazzy, and Logan sit and enjoy dessert!  So sweet.

Today Brandi and Cheryl hosted a bridal shower for my cousin Katie as she gets ready to marry Shaun.  It was a wonderful party full of games (shocking how little I know about my own cousin), food, gifts, family, and fun.  Katie has found a wonderful guy and we couldn't be happier for her.  It was a pleasure to share this day with her and to see her excitement for her upcoming nuptials.  Congratulations Katie!

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