New Tent 12.31.09

So, I thought he was excited about his tent.
That's better....:-)
Shhhhh. Naptime.

One of Logan's Christmas gifts this year, was this very cool Lightning McQueen "shelter" and sleeping bag. It also came with a flashlight and a compass. Today we put it together in the livingroom and had a great time playing "campout." I even let Loganberry take his nap in it. It was precious. Thanks Uncle Jeff, Auntie Kim, and Shaneo. Life is good.

Bowling 12.30.09

That's one determined little bowler.
It was so fun to watch Craig try to figure out this whole bowling business.

Karen was quite the pro.

Me, not so I am trying to will a strike.

Apparently bowling was a bit of a bore for Bretters. :-)

Bowling! I forgot how much I love to go. Mike had mentioned that he had taken Logan a few times and I had some free tickets burning a hole in my pocket, so I thought what better time to take my little boy and our friends (Karen, Craig, and Brett) bowling, than over Christmas break? It was so much fun, although Karen and I were much more into the actual bowling than the boys were. They really liked the novelty of it at first, but then after three frames they were much more interested in running up and down the wheelchair ramp and going to check out the video games. Ah well, it was still very fun and reminded me that I need to go more often. Life is good.

Cone of Shame 12.29.09

It probably would have been even funnier had it been a colored cone.
Eesch, that looks uncomfortable.

Logan trying to kiss it to make it all better.

Poor, poor Norm. So, my poor little pooch got a yeast infection in his ear and it got so bad and infected that besides getting goopey, not so pleasant medicine in his ear twice a day for a week, he was required to wear "The Cone of Shame!" I felt so bad for him, but at the same time is was hilarious (sorry Norm.) Logan just kept looking at him and saying, "Oh Morm's. You poow cone odf same." So, so funny. Life is good, even with a cone of shame.

Lights of Christmas 12.28.09

Logan really liked this big ole snowman.
Silly kids.

I love this picture.

They had this sunset on a was amazing.

Logan was enthralled with how these wooden guys could make the saw go back and forth.

There are times throughout the year that I marvel at all the wonderful things that make up the area that we live in. We really are blessed to live where we do. We never lack in fun community activities....places to go, people to see, memories to make. Very close to where is grew up is a camp that puts on a simply fantastic light show each Christmas. I took Logan for the first time a couple years ago, then last year we were unable to make it. So, this year I was determined to get back. It was so worth the effort. It was cold mind you, oh so very cold; however, the lights (there was over a million of them) were beautiful, the company was delightful (we went with Mom, Kim, and Shaneo), the petting zoo was precious, the hot, fresh cidar donuts were to die for (washed out with a cold, delicious cup of milk), and the train ride around the park was the perfect cap to a wonderful evening. What fun! Life is good.

Playdate 12.28.09

The sand was a bit wet, but definitely still digable.
Fun times on the swingset.

Mmmmm, delicious!

Karen had an appointment this morning, so Logan and I were lucky enough to get to have Craiger over for some play time. It wasn't that nice outside, but it wasn't really raining and wasn't too cold, so the boys and I bundled up and headed out. They had a blast playing in the sand box and then it was time to swing. They had so much fun watching as I tried to get Norman's toys away from him, and poor Craiger, was just sure he was going to fall off the swing. Then it was time to go in for some hot (or warm as Logan likes it) chocolate. The first batch was absolutely no good, I used water instead of milk. The boys were quick to tell me I made a mistake. :-) So, for batch number two I used milk and all was right with the world. What fun it is to spend time with these little ones. Life is good.

Christmas Day 12.25.09

Transformers from Uncy Mike...they were a big hit, for both Logan and Mike. :-)
Apparently, this Bionicle was one that Shane really wanted...phew!!!
Mom with her calendar that I made her with Jeff in the background opening something???

Kim showing her calendar to Grandma. Grandma's about to open hers.

How can you not just LOVE my dad when he makes faces like that at his grandson?????

So, after a wonderful morning, we got dressed and headed to my folks for the rest of our day. Just like with Christmas Eve, I feel so blessed that my immediate family is so close and that we spend this time together. I know we are very lucky. We had a simply wonderful Christmas. Love, laughter, food, family....does it get any better? (Mike and I were there too, I just didn't get any pictures.) Life is good.

Christmas Morning 12.25.09

Santa was here!
Logan with his new bike.

And his new cars.

Lovin' on Norm with his new rope toy.

That's one happy boy with a big ole bone.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! I don't care how old you are, there is just something magical about Christmas morning and this year was no exception. I got up before my boys and made myself a cup of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer (mmmm, delicious). Then (once I made sure the scene was set) I told Logan that Santa had been here. This was really the first year he "got it." Last year, he understood that Santa was this nice man that brought gifts, but he didn't really "get it." But, how things change in a year. What a fun morning we had. Logan got a new big boy bike from Santa and some other wonderful things. Norm, of course, was not forgotten. (Neither was I, thank you Santa.) Life is good.

Christmas Eve 12.24.09

Logan and Reise being very scary!
Mom and cute.

Sweet, sweet Angel.

Zaylor you're so silly.

Grandma and all her great grandkids.

As always, for Christmas Eve we headed up to my aunt and uncle's place. I feel so blessed that I have such a large and close extended family. It never fails to move me how we all gather for Christmas Eve and have been doing so for as long as I can remember. Every year brings new relationships, new children, and new fun. This year we had 31 people total and it was a blast. The dinner was delicious (thank you Aunt Cheryl), the kids were thrilled and spoiled with all the gifts, and as always, the adults had such fun with the gift exchange. It's so fun to see what everyone vies for each year. I had my eye on a car cleaning set this year, but ended up with a gift card to Costco....not too shabby!! :-) Life is good!

Say Cheese 12.24.09

My handsome boy getting ready to go to Mick and Cheryl's for Christmas Eve.
Yes, Norman, you will get loves whether you like it or not!

How could you not be this's Christmas time!!!!

Every year I try to take some nice shots of Logan and Norman in front of the Christmas tree. Needless to say, as Logan has gotten older, it's a bit trickier...oh, well, we'll keep pluggin' away at it! In that first picture, I think he just looks so darn tall and grown up. Too fast, too fast!!! Life is good (even when you're baby isn't a baby anymore!)

Wyatt 12.22.09

Donna is the biggest sweetheart I know. As Wyatt out grows clothes, Donna packs them up and let's us use them until Logan out grows them as well. We got this jacket from them and Wyatt got a new one. Our little firemen....(nice face Logan.)
That's better!

With Wyatt a head taller than Logan, it's hard to believe there is only a 6 month age difference.

Donna gettin' one big ole love!!!

What a fun day we had today. Our dear friends Donna and Wyatt came down for a playdate. It had been a long time since we had gotten together and I couldn't wait to see Donna's pregnant little belly (she's due in February). She looked fantastic and Wyatt and Logan had SO much fun playing together. Between cars and trains and lunch and running around for a couple hours, we both had two spent boys by the end of the afternoon. Thanks Donna and Wyatt for a great day! Life is good with such good friends.

Craig's 4th Birthday 12.20.09

LOVE this picture!!! That's gotta be one fantastic wish!

Logan was SO into the whole super hero thing.

Karen and her birthday boy!

Our gift to Craig...Frank, tractors, and Lightning McQueen.

For Craig's 4th Birthday, Karen went all out with a SuperHero theme! What fun to see all the boys and girls get all dressed up and display all their super powers. It was clear Craig was lovin' every minute of it!! Thanks friends for letting us be a part of this great day! Happy Birthday Craiger. We love you. Life is good with super powers!!!

Christmas Program 12.17.09

Having grown up attending a Lutheran church and going to Sunday School and participating in numerous Christmas Programs, I was thrilled when it came time for Loganberry to be in his first one. I had been asking him about his program, but he really wasn't telling me much. So, imagine my delight to see on the program that evening that his name listed as one of the animals in the heart just melted. Then, lo and behold, my brave little boy turns out to be none other than the donkey! I don't think I could have been prouder!!! :-) I took some pictures of the program, but unfortunately most them turned out quite dark. But, I was able to get a great one of Logan with both sets of grandparents and I also got some video footage. It was such a fun, wonderful event. Here's to what they have in store for my little man for next year! Life is oh so good!

Christmas Fun 12.16.09

Reese and Norman...true love.
This was when they were all asking for dessert! :-)

What a good looking group.

Logan's new hippity hop from the girls.

Norman got into the Christmas spirit as well.

On this lovely Wednesday evening, Logan and I had our good friends over to celebrate Christmas. We had a delcious dinner (thank you Papa Murphy's), a great visit where the kids got to run and play, play, play, and of course, some gifts. I feel so blessed to have Karen and Linda in my life. What terrific friends, and how great that our kids are all gonna grow up together. Thanks ladies for a wonderful evening. I can't wait until next time. Life is good.