1st Soccer Game 9.10.11

Logan with his first official throw in!  Go Logan!

Gearing up for a corner kick.

Look at those Chargers flanking the ball...the green team was tough too!

Get in there team!!

Craig, Logan, and Sara on the sidelines rooting on their team!  Look at those smiles!

Game 1 for the Chargers had them playing against the green team who were really good!  The Chargers did great and for the first half, Logan was on fire.  Then in the second half, he got elbowed by one of the other players and needless to say, was not prepared for it.  He pretty much broke down after that and there was no talking him back in.  I guess all the practice I had done with him didn't really involve elbows flying and he took it quite personally...he was just sure the other boy was out to get him.  :o(  I tried, Mike tried, the coaches tried, we all tried talking him down, but he was done.  It's going to be a long season if every time my little guy gets bumped in soccer he melts down.  Guess we'll have to work on that!  :o)

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