Family Christmas Part II 12.20.10

Dad with the new wallet we got him.
Mom looking oh so festive in her red turtleneck.

Shane looks confused, but he really was thrilled.

I think my mom could win a prize in present wrapping. She always does such a beautiful job, I hate to wreck it...Logan does not. :o)

Meet Boris.

I know that Christmas is not about the presents. I know it's about celebrating the birth of Jesus and I love that Logan is attending a Lutheran preschool and learning all about it. But, I would argue that Christmas is about giving; whether you are giving your time, your love, your prayers, or a gift. And there's nothing like watching a child with a gift. Heck, truth be told, there's nothing like watching anyone you love open a gift. There's simply something magical about the anticipation of what's inside and then the absolute delight (usually) upon opening. And because of that, I really do love the present part of Christmas. Life is good watching the ones you love.

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