A Surprise Sighting 1.20.13

The first thing we were suppose to do yesterday was go visit Arlington National Cemetery.  Unfortunately, because of the delay we didn't get there.  So, our illustrious leader Frank decided that we should start the day today by visiting the cemetery.  And yet again, our group from Arizona was running behind schedule so we left about 45 minutes later than we intended to.  So, we're finally on the road and headed to Arlington when Sierra gets a text from her aunt that says the news is reporting that the president is heading to Arlington this morning to lay a wreath.  About 20 minutes later we come to a stop, because low and behold the president's motorcade is passing us.  It was SO cool!!! And in retrospect, I guess we should thank the Arizona group for being a bit tardy.  :o)  However, due to the president's visit, we decided to postpone the Arlington visit yet again because of security issues.  But it was worth it to have a front seat view to the motorcade.

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