Some Fresh Air 11.12.09

Well, after a day at home, Logan was still a bit under the weather, so I took Thursday off to spend it at home with him. Bless his heart, for all his coughing and running nose, he was in such great spirits. So, around 11:00 when the sun burst through the clouds we decided to go for a little walk. It was great to get out and get some fresh air; unfortunately, it was on our walk that Logan really started to complain about his ear so I decided to take him to the doctor and sure enough, after four years, my little guy had his first ear infection. It wasn't too bad, but it was definitely there which explains a lot about how bad he was feeling. I'm sure glad I decided to take the day off. Here are some pictures from our walk. Hanging out with the ducks always seems to help! :-) Life is good.

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