Dear Logan, 10.29.09

It's been 4 amazing years since you were born little man and they've been the best years of my life. You've officially entered the little kid stage, no more toddler, no more baby fat, you're all boy! This past year you've really come out of your shell. You definitely tend to be more of a follower than a leader, but just recently you've started to exert yourself a little more and stand up for yourself. You weigh 32 pounds and stand about 3 and 1/2 feet tall. You're just growing out of size three clothing, but size four is still a little baggy. You wear size 9 to 10 shoes, which you never wear if given a choice. You definitely like to have bare feet, even now when it's getting pretty cold out. I've put you in jammies with feet lately and you'll come out and tell me that your feet are getting too hot. You got that trait from your Daddy. We spent the summer potty training and now you are a pro, but you still like to get help when it comes to putting your underwear and pants back on, because when you go the bathroom, you like to strip. Good stuff. You're a really picky eater and haven't really changed anything in your repertoire since last year. Your dinners are usually chicken nuggets, pizza, grilled cheese, or quesidillas; however, you will devour any and all fruit put before you. You love having playdates and are especially fond of your cousin Shaneo, and your BFF Cragier. You started preschool this year and the way you are blossoming is amazing to me. Since you've started, you're really coming out of your shell. You are making new friends and you simply adore your teacher, Nancy. You have music everyday at preschool and because of that, I have been treated with songs on a daily basis. My favorite one you've been singing lately is "This is the Day the Lord has made." The way you sing it melts my heart. You've also been counting a lot more and getting your ABC's down. You are also quite the negotiator. If I tell you that you have two more minutes until bedtime, you'll say, "How about 4?" Usually I cave. :-) You're quite the lover and can't seem to get enough of Morny. I know all too soon you'll actually start calling him Norman, so I'm loving the "Morny" while it lasts. You are so kind to everyone and are really good at sharing. I'm so proud of you Logan. If given the opportunity, you would choose to spend your time with dinosaurs, pirates, or cars. Playing with you is so fun. Your imagination is unstoppable. You constantly come up and tell me, "Mama, I got an idea." Logan, I couldn't imagine my life without you and I feel so incredibly lucky that I get to be your Mama. Happy Birthday sweetheart. Life is so good.

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