Dark Circles 11.10.09

Well, just like almost every else out there, this cold/flu season hit our home. Logan had been fighting off a nasty cough for over a week when it finally got the best of him. I dropped him off at daycare this morning one happy (albeit a bit coughy) boy. When I showed up at 4:00pm, Shira asked me, "So, you know he's sick right?" As I looked at her, questioning if she just meant the cough or if there was more, my little man walked around the corner and had the darkest circles under his eyes (and this was after a 3 hour nap). I almost had to laugh because it looked like he'd been punched in the both eyes, poor boy. And that cough had definitely amped itself up. Lucky for us the next day was Veterans Day so I had the day off. I tried to capture a couple pictures to show just how dark his eyes were, they don't show it well enough, but I have to say, I'm thankful that I can spend the day at home tomorrow with my little guy and give us both a day to rest and recooperate. I'm also thankful that our dear family and friends understand when we have to cancel plans at the last minute. Life is good, even with dark circles.

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