Making the Trek 1.18.12

Snow Pup!
Attempting to make snowballs with some very dry snow...not so great!
Apparently he felt like he packed it enough...looks like I'm in trouble now.

After sitting inside for days and another snow day called today, I decided to take action.  So, I put one of my wool socks over Logan's foot, then wrapped as much of his leg as I could in a plastic garbage bag, then carefully bundled the rest of him up and outside we went!!!  As always, my little man was such a good sport.  I carried him out into the backyard, plopped him down in the snow, and that's where he stayed for about an hour.  We threw snowballs at each other, threw toys for Norman to find, and Logan directed me while I made a snowman.  It was such fun; although Logan was awfully tired out afterward!  :o)

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