Chore Chart 2.20.11

One thing that I have been working with Logan on is doing chores. And in connection with that, I've also been thinking a lot about an allowance. He's been in the "I want, I want" stage lately and I've decided that he is old enough now to be able to earn money toward all those new Ben 10 guys that he wants. So, after speaking to Mike and Michelle about it to make sure we were all on the same page, Michelle found this awesome chore chart. It's made by a company called "Melissa and Doug" whom I love and I really liked that it could be individualized with whatever chores I wanted him to work on. So, this is our new chart and Logan has really responded to it. He gets so excited when he accomplishes another task and gets to put another smiley face on the chart. I predict good things to come. Life is good with chores. (At least that's what I try to tell myself.)

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