Christmas Eve Part II 12.24.10

Cherish, new little Aubrey, Brandi, Zaylor, Kelly, and Emily
Katie, Reise, and Shaun (congratulations on your engagement guys!)

Hey, who are those good lookin' kids??? :o)

Our family picture...I think it looks really good, except the glare by Jeff's head.

And I love this picture of Mom and great that they're both laughing!

Every year it's so nice to take some family pictures to document how we've all changed over the year. This year was no exception. Unfortunately, I didn't get everyone, but I was able to get some good pictures of some of my lovely family members. This always happens at the end of the night and I so appreciate everyone's patience, especially everyone with little one's who are getting restless, tired, and a little bit bored standing still for a photo opportunity. So thank you to my wonderful family for being so agreeable. You're a great bunch! Life is good.

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