Playing in the rain 9.7.10

Logan's first project and his name tag that he didn't want to take off all day.
It's a bit rainy out...but Logan has his microphone for the outdoor concert.
Aquaman needed to join us outside, I mean afterall, he does like the water.
That's one drenched, happy boy.
This is my gift from last Mother's Day and it is really starting to bloom.

After I picked Logan up from school, we headed home and it started to pour. I thought that I better get some stuff in the backyard inside and Logan wanted to be my helper. We ended up staying out for a bit and playing in the rain! It was a blast. As a mom, I tend to be a bit overprotective (dress for the weather, safety first, helmets, you know the drill) and I need to remember to let go once in awhile and let Logan just enjoy being a kid! Our playdate in the rain was a perfect way to end Logan's first day of school. Life is good.

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