Cropathon 4.17.09

Jen and Becky and the infamous pretzels.
Our mess, er, work space!

This weekend I was lucky enough to participate in a fundraiser for Children's Hospital. Unlike fundraisers I've done in the past (a walk, a run, a raffle, etc.) this one was centered on scrapbooking for 20 hours...ummm, hello, color me happy! My sweet friend Rebecca invited me to participate and it was fantastic. I met some lovely ladies (Elizabeth and Jen you know I can only be that sarcastic with people I like), got 15 pages scrapbooked, ate some delicious food (thank you Dream Dinners), but most importantly, we raised over $12,000. What a wonderful event! Life is good.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

I so loved to hang out with you! I can't wait for next years. Will you do some Friday night crops at the store with me????