A Patient Dog 3.26.11

Norman has been absolutely wonderful with Logan from the moment we brought him home from the hospital, which I thought was pretty impressive for a 7 month old puppy; but my admiration has only grown over the years. As Logan grew and became mobile, Norman put up with the tugging of the hair, the crawling over, the too tight and too long neck hugs. Now as Logan has reached the age of 5 and is a wapping 40 lbs., I acutally worry about Norm a bit as Logan tries to continue to ride him, climb on him, wrestle with him, etc. But Norm, in all his glory, patiently waits for Logan to do whatever it is he is bound and determined to do, and then goes on his merry little way. I'm trying to teach Logan to read Norman a bit better and notice what he's trying to tell him by his movements. I think it's something we'll be working on for awhile. As it is, Norman's love for Logan overshadows any annoyance for a little boy who can't get enough. Life is good when you're surrounded by the love of these boys.

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