Happy St. Patrick's Day 3.17.11

This year St. Patrick's Day kind of snuck up on me. Now, I know what you're thinking...silly Amy, St. Patrick's Day falls on the same date every. single. year. how could it possibly "sneak up on you?" And to that, I just say, foowey! I had really wanted to do it up right this year, but alas it didn't happen. However, I did manage to pick up an appropriate shirt for Logan and make sure I was wearing green as well {wouldn't want either one of us to get pinched}. It was good news for Norm as well as his collar is a lovely shade of green! :o) Next year St. Paddy's Day is on a Saturday, so I think it's definitely going to be time for some green milkshakes and fish and chips! Until then, Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Life is good in the green!

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