A Visit with Santa 11.30.08

Kim and Shane getting into the holiday spirit.
Three generations...not too shabby.

Great cousins...better friends.

Waiting to see the big guy...still a bit unsure.

That's my boy!!!!

I couldn't believe it...I had it all figured out. Logan, upon seeing Santa, was going to scream bloody murder as he has done for the past two years. I would then use that picture as our Christmas card and have some adorably pithy comment about Logan finding out he was on the naughty list or something to that regard. Well, my dear sweet Logan foiled my plans yet again. Sure enough, this year not only did he not scream, but he showed Santa the car he was holding, he asked for "chocit", "dinosaurs", and a "carey shark" and he told Santa that he had soft pants. :-) It was priceless. And that Santa, what a wonderful guy. When we got up to his lap, he told Logan that he'd been waiting all day to see him. Man, was Logan ever thrilled. Now that was on Sunday and since then, every morning when we get in the car, it's "Mama, go see Santa?" What a terrific start to this wonderful holiday season. Life is good.

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