One of the tasks I wanted to accomplish over Spring Break was to get Logan a new bed. It was definitely time, as he was getting a little long for his toddler bed, besides, he's not a toddler anymore. {sniff} So, on Sunday we went to our local Sleep Country USA {can't you just hear the commercial jingle} because really, why buy a mattress anywhere else? The back of Logan's crib turns into a headboard for a double size bed, so we just skipped the twin size bed stage and jumped right in with a double. I think {hope} it's going to work out well. So we ordered the bed on Sunday and two very nice delivery men brought it today and got it all set up. I tell ya, to go from a toddler bed to a double was quite the leap, but it fit great in his room and can I just tell you how much more comfortable reading bedtime stories is going to be for me?!?!? :o) Logan is very excited to sleep in his new big boy bed tonight. Now if only I can stop worrying about him falling out! :o) Life is so good with a great mattress.
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