It's hard to believe it, but my little nephew is about to graduate from elementary school...Shane will be a big middle schooler next year, so as this year was winding down, I was thrilled that Shane and a bunch of his friends had decided to participate in the talent show and was even more excited that it worked for Logan and I to attend. What a hoot it was to watch those absolutely fearless boys and girls up there on that stage. Being a high school teacher, by the time the kids get to me they've lost that no fear attitude where they think they are really, really good singers {even if they can't carry one single tune}. It really was precious to see. And what a great mix of performances...there was dancing, singing, instrument playing, joke telling. Shane's group was one of the last to go, and while we were all getting a little antsy, it was well worth the wait. Their group sang "We Go Together" from Grease and did a very good job. Logan was simply thrilled to see Shane onstage! It was such a great way to close Shane's first 6 years of school. We're so proud of you Shaneo. Life is good.
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