What a big day we had today! I was able to take this lovely Friday off to accompany my 5 year old little tyke to Kindergarten Roundup. Oh my gosh. Almost too much for this Momma. With Logan starting kindergarten in the fall, I really wanted to be able to continue to take him to Mari's for daycare, but to do that, Logan would be attending a school that we are technically out of district for. So back in March I filled out the appropriate waiver forms and now we're just holding our breath. Not only would I like him to attend this particular school because we could keep Mari, but also, I love the idea that it's a smaller school {the entire school only consists of grades k-8}, and seems to have such a tight-knit community feel for it. I think it would be a terrific fit for us. {I'll keep you posted on if we get in or not.} So assuming Logan gets in, we were invited to the kindergarten roundup. Our appointment was at 11 and without any planning on our part, it happened to be when Craig and Karen's appointment was as well. How's that for coincedence? The roundup itself went great! They took Logan's picture, got a copy of all his vacanations, and then he went to five different stations where we was asked to complete some specific tasks. All the while, I was filling out a mountain of paperwork! Logan did great and he even got to meet the gal who {if he gets in} will be his teacher! What an exciting step for my little guy. I'm so proud of you Logan and I know you're simply going to love kindergarten, whether it's at this school or another one. Life is good with an almost kindergartener!
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