My Goofball 4.6.11

Some of my favorite moments with Logan come from just watching him be, well, him. He's definitely reached the "watch me be goofy on purpose" stage and he seriously cracks me up. In fact, just the other night, after I had tucked him in and thought he was good to go for the night, he came running out of his room in just his underwear as he has decided that is how he likes to sleep these days and announced, "Mama, want to see what I learned?" So I say sure, and he proceeds to do the whole make a fart noise with your hand under your armpit maneuver. Cracked me up! Oh, and the look of pride on his face...priceless! Anyway, looks like I have a bit of a goofball on my hands and I couldn't be happier about it! Life is good.

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