Darrick and Anne had been talking about checking out the amazing waterpark called Great Wolf Lodge. Well, we all got to talking about it and thought what a great Harem event that would be. Monica and Jason had even been before and were able to get us a really good deal. So, after much planning and figuring of details, we got our rooms booked, arranged for doggy care, and all caravaned down to the park. As we were heade down we made a quick trip into Cabella's. I had never been to one before and let me tell you, it's quite the place. Logan was enthralled with the stuffed animals everywhere (and I don't mean like cute little stuffed animals that go on your bed, we're talking about taxidermy hear people) and the aquarium. I even let me use the "shooting range" where he got to "shoot" at tin cans and plates and such. Then it was off to the Lodge. I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I wanted, none of the outside and it's quite a site to see. Huge carved wolves stand as columns as you pull up and the place it's self is like the biggest log cabin you've ever seen. We checked in and headed right into the waterpark. I realized it was going to be really hard to get pictures in there as it's like a great big sauna so my camera was constantly fogging up and then those darn little kids kept moving around on me. But man, it's a fantastic park. I honestly wasn't sure how Logan was going to do as water is not his most favorite thing and he definitely does not like getting splashed. But, after a slow start and a lot of walking around checking the place out, he really started to have fun with it. He didn't go down any slides, but he really warmed up to the wave pool and even went up to his chest in the water. And in the kiddie pool he trusted himself and others around him enough to lay down in the water and try swimming. He also let me carry him into a bigger kid pool where I held him so he could shoot some baskets with the basketball. I was ever so proud of him. I saw him grow so much this weekend. Life is good when your son grows up before your very eyes. :o)
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