The Big 5 10.29.10

Dear Logan,

How is it possible that you are already 5? They say time flies when you're having fun, and baby, that's got to be what's happening. Raising you has been by far the most fun, most challenging, most rewarding experience of my life. You make me so proud every day with your kindness, your huge heart, and your love of life. This year you have become such an independent little boy. I hear, "I can do it." all the time now and while this makes me very proud, I find that a little part of me misses the little boy that you were and how you needed me more. Umm, some stats about you right are 3 feet 8 inches tall. You weigh 37 pounds. You're right between sizes 4T and 5T with size 12 shoes. I wish I could report that there have been great strides in what you're willing to eat, unfortunately that is simply not the case. I fear we're getting to a point where I'll have to lay down the law and really get strict with you on what you're trying. (maybe in the new year) :0) You're in your second year of preschool and loving every minute of it. Every morning as we drive to daycare, you look over and proclaim with such pride, "There's my school!" You're writing your name like a pro and learning your letters more and more each day. You're an awfully kind boy telling me all the time how much you love me and showering Norman with hugs and kisses at every chance you get. Your latest thing that just brings me joy is as we're walking out the door, you will pause and gesture with your hand and say, "After you Momma." What a little gentleman. When asked who your best friends are, you say Craig, Pierce, Luke, Brody, and Shaneo. You're down to taking naps maybe twice a week. Overall Logan, you are simply the best little boy I could have ever asked for and I know with all my heart that God shined down on me with such blessings the day you were born. I've loved the last five years and am so excited to see what you have in store for me next. I love you Logan. Happy Birthday my little man.

Love, Momma

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