So today was Logan's second trip to the dentist and I'm happy to report that we are definitely making progress. On his first trip if you recall from an older post, he basically smiled for our awesome hygienist (Robin) while standing as far away from her as he could. (Not really the "check-up" I had in mind.) So, this time we got him in the chair, laying back, opening wide, looking at his teeth with the little mirror thing, and for one split second he even allowed our awesome dentist (Dr. Lupie) to get a closer look. Unfortunately, three things happened at once that really freaked him out. 1. they turned on the big scary light to shine right in his eyes (which BTY always makes me feel like I'm about to get grilled by the po-po). 2. Dr. Lupie started poking around in his mouth with a one of those scraper things that looks like you could really mame someone with. And 3. Robin (thinking she was simply looking our for Loganberry) put some sunglasses on him without giving him a heads up that they were coming his way. Well, that was it for my little guy. He was up and screaming faster than you can say floss, and there was no getting him back in that chair. The good news is that they saw enough to say they thought his teeth looked great. We go back in June. Wish us luck. ;-) Life is good with clean, healthy teeth.
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