Logan: "Tough"

What a wonderful day with fantastic friends! So, here's a little background on "Hayman's Harem". When I began my teaching career, I met some fantastic people (you've seen them throughout my blog) and we became fast friends. Sarah, Monica, Julie, Gina, Darrick, and I were quite the force to be reckoned with. For three years we all taught together, hung out together, had Friday after school "meetings" together, started our families all around the same time, and so on. It was great. Then as is inevitable people started to move on. Sarah decided to leave the teaching profession, then Monica and Gina went into administration, and Julie moved from the high school to our new mid-high campus; thus leaving Darrick and I. The band broke up. :( Since then we've still been able to have some wonderful adventures together (going to Hawaii winter of '08 for Sarah's wedding just to name one), but we definitely don't see each other enough. So Darrick and I, in an attempt to get the band back together, decided that this year we would try to get together once a month. SO, for January we decided to go to Mariner Fanfest. A few of us went last year and, eventhough it was freakin' freezing, had a great time. This year was no different. We had a great time getting to tour Safeco field and see all the action behind the scenes. It wasn't nearly as cold (yea), but there were hordes more people (grrrr). The kids had a blast running the bases, kickin' it in the dugout, and simply playing together. Then we got in line for the kids to catch popflys. They each got a mitt and off they went. It was awesome! Logan was thrilled and knew just what to do. So, after they each got to catch 3 or 4 balls, they turned in their mitts and we were off. As we were headed out, our local news station asked if they could interview the boys. WHAT!?!!? Of course you can! Anyway, Logan (being a bit of a shy guy) gave his one word answers softly and that was that. I didn't even bother to ask when, if at all, his little interview would air because I really figured what were the odds. There were 17,000 people at fanfest over a two day period and they probably interviewed 100's of kids. But, lo and behold, that following Tuesday Logan had his television debut. I was SO proud of my little guy. Anyway, after we got our fill of Safeco we headed over to a local brewery for a delicious lunch where we ended up getting our own little room because we were such a big group. I'm telling ya, I'll remember this day for a long time to come. Life is gooooooooood!!!
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