Grandma's 90th 11.6.11

Katie and Shaun gave Grandma this beautiful frame with pictures of the family from their wedding.

I LOVE, absolutely love, the smile on her face and the clapping of her hands!!!  Now that's how to celebrate turning 90!

A birthday hug for GiGi!

The boys found this toy catalog and of course with Christmas less than two months away they had to go through it and point out everything they wanted!

Brandi and that cutie little Aubrey!!!

Today Aunt Cheryl threw a 90th birthday party for Grandma Claire!  90!  How awesome is that?!?!  Most of the family was able to get together to help celebrate this monumentous occasion!  It was wonderful afternoon celebrating the life of an amazing woman!  I feel so lucky to have Grandma as my grandma and that Logan has the opportunity to get to know his great grandma so well!!!  It was a fantastic day!!

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