Logan, let me apologize. Here's the deal...the day before the End of the Year Program you weren't feeling all that great. Definitely not the go getter that I know you to be. So, the next day we both stayed home, but you seemed to be doing much better and as the day progressed, I had to make the call...miss the End of the Year Program for preschool or suck it up and go. You said you wanted to go. You didn't have a fever. You seemed to be feeling much better. So, off we went. We got there early. I dropped you off with the rest of your classmates to get ready. I got a great spot in the church. Everyone showed up. The room was teeming with excitement as proud parents and grandparents got out their cameras and eagerly awaited your arrival. I knew it the minute you walked through the doors holding the teachers hand...you did not look well. No smile. No excitement...not even the shy kind that I so often see from you. But man, you were a trooper...you held the maracas {I think to claim you were shaking them would be going too far}, you wore the beads and sunglasses, and you limply clung to the American Flag. And then, my dear boy, you were done. We all saw it...you turned a ghastly shade of white. My biggest fear was that you were going to lose your lunch right there in the front of the church; thank goodness that didn't happen. So, the program continued, but I scooped you up and got you out of there as fast as I could. It broke my heart that you were headed home with your dad, as I just wanted to take you home and take care of you. But you did great with dad and proceeded to get over your bug. I'm so proud of you little man. Not only for holding up when you clearly were not well, but for all your accomplisments in preschool. You're growing into this amazing boy and I'm so proud to be your mom. I love you so much Logan. Life is good even when you're not feeling all that great! ;o)
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