Today Logan and I got to celebrate Pierce's birthday with him! His parents won a birthday party at a local gymnasium and boy did the kids eat it up! Logan was a bit timid with some of the things at first, but then he really got into it. It was such a fantastic set up...the kids got to play for about an hour (jumping in the bal pit, swinging on the ropes, tumbling, hanging on the rings, trying the balance beam) and then we did cake and presents. Every year Jonathan concocts amazing birthday cakes for his boys and this year he may have outdone himself. They had just gotten back from Hawaii {lucky little buggers} and Pierce had really taken to the Jeeps everywhere. So, Jonathan, in fine Jonathan fashion made Pierce a Jeep birthday cake. I think I need to start hiring this guy!! It was such a fun party! Thanks guys and happy birthday Pierce! Life is good.
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