Just when we thought we had A LOT of snow, we woke up this morning! As Logan would say, "Cowsiewowsers!" At one point we measured 21 inches! Now I've lived in this town for 11 years and we've never gotten so much so fast! The good news is that meant another day off! Woohoo! The bad news...no Starbucks. I knew we weren't going to be driving anywhere, but I thought we could walk. Poor Logan...he made it to the end of our cul-de-sac and proclaimed, "I'm tired!" It didn't even occur to me that schlepping through snow that's almost up to your waist might get a little tiring. So, we bagged that idea and just stayed home and played. It was another great day at home with my boys. {Just remind me of this joy when it's July and I'm still teaching!} Life is good.
Snow...Day 2 2.24.11
A Cozy Sleeping Spot 2.23.11
I'm not sure if it was all the playing in the snow, or what, but when I went to go to bed {long after I thought Logan was tucked in nice and snug and sound asleep in his own bed}, I found this waiting for me. Here he is, out like a light! That's the floor of my bedroom, stuck between my dresser and the ottoman that goes with our glider with all my bedroom pillows stacked on top. Why he thought to sleep there, I have no idea, but I had to capture a few pictures of it. Needless to say, he was a bit disgruntled when I woke him up and made him move back to his own bed. Oh Loganberry, you do make me laugh. Life is good, no matter where you crash.
Snow Way 2.23.11
Norman, waiting for all of 2 minutes at the door for me to let him in. It was unbelievable just how hard it was snowing.
The weather people have been telling us for months that this winter was going to be a doozey, but we'd hadn't really seen too much to talk about...until today. Holy cow! I mean we had had some snow and it was nice and very fun to play on, but last night and then all day today we just got dumped on. And watching the news, it appears as if our particular little niche of the world got it the hardest of all the surrounding areas. So, after finding out that today was a snow day (another benefit of being a public school teacher), and after breakfast and such, we bundled up and headed out to play. I think if Logan had his way he would have been out there at 6:30am when he woke up. Anyway, we had a fabulous day playing in the snow with our neighbors. We had around 13 inches. And it was just that perfect snowball fight, snowman making snow. Logan is really starting to out grow naps, but, needless to say, today was definitely a nap day. For all of us. Life is good in the snow.
Chore Chart 2.20.11
One thing that I have been working with Logan on is doing chores. And in connection with that, I've also been thinking a lot about an allowance. He's been in the "I want, I want" stage lately and I've decided that he is old enough now to be able to earn money toward all those new Ben 10 guys that he wants. So, after speaking to Mike and Michelle about it to make sure we were all on the same page, Michelle found this awesome chore chart. It's made by a company called "Melissa and Doug" whom I love and I really liked that it could be individualized with whatever chores I wanted him to work on. So, this is our new chart and Logan has really responded to it. He gets so excited when he accomplishes another task and gets to put another smiley face on the chart. I predict good things to come. Life is good with chores. (At least that's what I try to tell myself.)
Book Club 2.18.11
A little over 2 years ago, my mom, sister and I decided to start our very own little book club. I was thrilled to begin this journey as I'm often drawn to the same types of books and love being introduced to new reads. Also I think that being involved in a book club allows me to take the time to read. It seems like more often than not, it's easy to get wrapped up in all the stuff that our day to day lives demand of us and not allow ourselves moments to pause. There's always going to be dishes to wash, laundry to put away, and toys to pick up, but our book club has allowed me to let myself put that on hold every now and then to get my book read. Because honestly if it was just me, if I wasn't accountable to anyone else, it would be so much easier to put reading last. And really I enjoy it too much to do that and that's not the example I want to set for my little guy. At this stage he loves books and I want to do my best to show him that the love of books is something that can last a lifetime. Thanks Mom and Kim for opening my eyes to some new and old great reads! Life is good with a book in hand.
A Trip to Barnes and Noble 2.17.11
Logan and I dropped by Barnes and Noble this evening. I've always thought that my ideal job would be to own my own book store. I could simply spend hours and hours reading, skimming, judging (not by the cover of course). And what a delight to find that my son appears to be following in my footsteps. It was I could do to get him out of there and without multitudes of books in our basket. As it was, we both walked out with two new books. Ah, what a good evening. Life is good with a new {in this case 4} book in your hands!!
Happy Valentine's Day 2.14.11
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I have to say, as sappy as it may be, I love this day! I know some say it's a greeting card holiday, but I love it. I love any extra push to show the people I love just how much they mean to me. So, after school and work, it was time to celebrate! Norman got a new bone/stick, Logan got a new puppy and Lego Hero Factory bad guy, and we had a heart shaped pizza for dinner!!! It was a fantastic evening! I hope you all got to spend this day with the ones you love. Life is good when it's filled with love.
Happy Birthday Macie 2.13.11
So, after Pierce's birthday party Logan and I had just enough time to run to Starbucks for an afternoon coffee (for me, of course) and then it was back to the gymnasium for birthday party number two, Macie! Macie and Logan have been in the same preschool class for two years now and I have to say, I simply adore this little girl. She is all tomboy and is so confident and just goes for it! There were a bunch of Logan's classmates there which he just loved and Leoni had gone all out with a SpongeBob theme, including Crabby patties. So creative! I seriously need to up my dessert game. And this is as close as I've ever gotten to get Logan to eat a "cheeseburger"! ;o) It was a wonderful party! Happy Birthday Macie and thanks for letting us share your special day with you. Life is good.
Happy Birthday Pierce 2.13.11
Today Logan and I got to celebrate Pierce's birthday with him! His parents won a birthday party at a local gymnasium and boy did the kids eat it up! Logan was a bit timid with some of the things at first, but then he really got into it. It was such a fantastic set up...the kids got to play for about an hour (jumping in the bal pit, swinging on the ropes, tumbling, hanging on the rings, trying the balance beam) and then we did cake and presents. Every year Jonathan concocts amazing birthday cakes for his boys and this year he may have outdone himself. They had just gotten back from Hawaii {lucky little buggers} and Pierce had really taken to the Jeeps everywhere. So, Jonathan, in fine Jonathan fashion made Pierce a Jeep birthday cake. I think I need to start hiring this guy!! It was such a fun party! Thanks guys and happy birthday Pierce! Life is good.
My Birthday 2.12.11
I couldn't have asked for much more on my birthday. The day began with Starbucks and a pedicure with Karen. Then, much to my delight, I recieved a card from Karen telling me that we were going on a shopping spree for my birthday! What?!?! Could it be?!?!? Had Karen won the lottery and not told me?!?!? Ummm, no. But, she still took me to three of my favorite stores and encouraged me to pick out something from each (within her budget, of course)! It was so much fun! Then I got Logan and Norman back and we gussied up for a night out with the family. We headed to one of my favorite local italian restuarants. The food was superb, the company was unbeatable, and the night was all I could ask for. Thanks to everyone who helped make this day so special for me. Life couldn't be any better!!!!
Happy Early Valentine's Day 2.10.11
When we got home from the program, Logan had his first Valentine's in the mail. Grandpa and Nana are out of town for a few months and sent Logan a sweet little Valentine with some awesome Toy Story stickers. Logan simply loves getting mail and he was espcially excited about this. Thank you Grandpa and Nana for remembering Logan on Valentine's Day. Life is good.
February Program 2.10.11
I took the day off work today to attend Logan's February Preschool Program. In February the program focuses on Valentine's Day and President's Day. The kids are told to wear red, white, and blue and they sing patriotic songs and love songs. It's one of my favorite programs they do. And I'm always blown away by how many songs the wonderful music volunteers teach these little ones. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who work so hard to put on these programs that bring so much pride and joy. Life is good.
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