After we got home from Mick and Cheryl's, we headed to bed immediately because we knew that Santa wouldn't come unless we were asleep. So it was off to dream of sugar-plums dancing in our heads. As the sun rose in the morning, I awoke to find a 5 year old little boy asleep beside me. It seems as if sometime in the night he had wandered into my room. Surprisingly enough, he wasn't shaking me awake at the break of dawn...instead it was me laying there queitly willing him to wake up so we could begin our morning extravaganza. He finally woke up about 8am and had totally forgotten it was Christmas. I turned to him and said, "Merry Christmas Logan." And he said, "Yup, only 2 more days!" So then I reminded him that it was actually Christmas TODAY, and bless his little heart, he says, "Oh, let's go see if Santa had all our cookies and milk!" I loved that his first thought wasn't about the gifts. But then after we checked (and yes, Santa had devoured the goodies we left for him), it was time to open some gifts. We had a lovely morning, opening, oooohing and aaaaaahing, and checking out all our new goodies until it was time to go meet Mike. At one point in the morning as Logan is opening and I'm furiously trying to capture every.possible.moment. with either my camera or video camera, Logan says to me (as he's just opened some "How to Train Your Dragon" toys and I'm asking him to hold them up and smile), "Momma, no." And he walks over to me to give me the biggest hug ever. Thanks for the reminder Logan that sometimes I need to set the camera down and just enjoy the moment. Life is good on this beautiful Christmas morning.
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