Family Dinner 7.17.10

Shane and Logan playing as usual.
Over the years Shaneo has acquired many hats, Kim thought it would be fun to have Logan try them on and God bless him, he was totally up for it.
Norm and Neiko...sweet cousins!! :o)
My dear fire starting brother-in-law.

Let the roasting begin!

After the festival and a nap, Logan, Norman, and I jumped in the car and headed over to Kim and Jeff's for dinner and good ole time with the family. I'm reminded yet agian how lucky I am that I live close to all my family. It's so important to me for Logan to grow up knowing his cousins, aunts, uncles, and such. What fun we had this evening. Jeff made me a very delicious drink and all of us a great dinner. Kim and I decorated her hallway with some great pictures. Logan and Shaneo played a lot. And Norman and Neiko ran and ran and ran!!! After dinner, Jeff made a campfire (with a blow torch which Logan found very thrilling) and we roasted marshmellows. Ahhh, good times. Life is good.

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