Apparently our singing was less than stellar.

Karen out did herself yet again with terrific decorations!
One great thing about the snow storm, was that Craig's birthday party was postponed. This made it so Logan and I were able to attend (it was originally going to be held while I was in Hawaii.) On Sunday night we headed over to Scott and Karen's house to help celebrate Logan's best friend "Craiger" turning 3! It was a farm themed party, which couldn't have been more appropriate for this little boy. Craig had a terrific time playing with all the kids, opening his presents, and eating delicious pizza. In fact, he was very concerned when Logan didn't want any dinner. Their rolls were then reversed when it was time for dessert and Craig was too busy playing to enjoy it...Logan, on the other hand, couldn't get enough and was very concerned that Craig was missing out. What nice friends to look out for one another. Life is good!
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