Daffodils 3.27.11

Eventhough today was a bit rainy and windy, Logan and I still went on a daffodil hunt. Every year our county grows beautiful fields of daffodils and every year (it seems) that those fields change location. {There is a chance it could just be me and my sense, or lack thereof, direction.} Anywho, so Logan and I jumped in the ole Highlander and headed out. This year Logan decided that our Hallmark Easter Bunny needed to come with us. As luck would have it, after only a short while of searching, we came across a lovely field. I wish I could have gotten some better pictures, but for one it was awfully cold out, and two, I'm such a rule follower and they had signs posted everywhere saying "Stay Out." So, without freezing our tushies off or doing any trespassing, these are what we were left with. Maybe next year, I'll push the boundaries a bit. :o) Life is good.

A Patient Dog 3.26.11

Norman has been absolutely wonderful with Logan from the moment we brought him home from the hospital, which I thought was pretty impressive for a 7 month old puppy; but my admiration has only grown over the years. As Logan grew and became mobile, Norman put up with the tugging of the hair, the crawling over, the too tight and too long neck hugs. Now as Logan has reached the age of 5 and is a wapping 40 lbs., I acutally worry about Norm a bit as Logan tries to continue to ride him, climb on him, wrestle with him, etc. But Norm, in all his glory, patiently waits for Logan to do whatever it is he is bound and determined to do, and then goes on his merry little way. I'm trying to teach Logan to read Norman a bit better and notice what he's trying to tell him by his movements. I think it's something we'll be working on for awhile. As it is, Norman's love for Logan overshadows any annoyance for a little boy who can't get enough. Life is good when you're surrounded by the love of these boys.

Picnic Dinner 3.26.11

Tonight we had the great fortune of joining some of our dearest friends for a night of pizza, laughs, and great conversation. Our friends, Greg, Tami, Lauren, and Holly, unfortunately live in the next state so we aren't able to see them nearly enough; however, tonight we were able to join them and Jason, Linda, Brooke, and Reese for some long overdue bonding. The kids had a blast running around the house while the adults basically stayed in the kitchen {why is that always the place people seem to gather?} visiting the entire evening. It was just one of those rare nights where everything comes together well: the food, the company, the kids {although I did feel a hear bit bad for Logan being the only boy and too young to realize how lucky he was}. It reminded me how lucky I am to have these phenomenal friends in my life and to not let SO much time go between visits. As for the kids, I think they're were thrilled to be able to play, have a dinner picnic, and watch a movie. Thanks for hosting Jason and Linda. And thanks for making the trek over Greg and Tami. Life is good surrounded by wonderful friends.

Happy St. Patrick's Day 3.17.11

This year St. Patrick's Day kind of snuck up on me. Now, I know what you're thinking...silly Amy, St. Patrick's Day falls on the same date every. single. year. how could it possibly "sneak up on you?" And to that, I just say, foowey! I had really wanted to do it up right this year, but alas it didn't happen. However, I did manage to pick up an appropriate shirt for Logan and make sure I was wearing green as well {wouldn't want either one of us to get pinched}. It was good news for Norm as well as his collar is a lovely shade of green! :o) Next year St. Paddy's Day is on a Saturday, so I think it's definitely going to be time for some green milkshakes and fish and chips! Until then, Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Life is good in the green!

Jumpin' Monkeys 2.27.11

For Christmas, Logan got this great new game from Brooke and Reese. It's called Jumpin' Monkeys and the goal is to get all your monkeys on the tree. The obstacle is that you have to basically catapult them onto the branches. We have been playing it quite a lot and it's been so fun. I'm trying to work with Logan on being a gracious loser and so far he's doing a pretty good job. Thanks Brooke and Reese for this great new game! Life is good when it's full of games.