On this beautiful winter day, after the dentist, after preschool, after Starbucks, I decided the car was in a desperate need of a wash. (Is it horrible of me to say that this is something I greatly miss about being married? A man who cared about the condition of my car more than I do?) So, since it had been a LONG time since poor little Juan Sanchez (the name of my car) had been washed, Logan and I decided to tackle it. Ummmm, note to self, when the sun is shining in January, don't assume that means that freezing cold water out of a hose is going to feel "nice." AHHHHH! After a few frost bitten fingers, the car was looking superb, but (as Logan would say) Cowsywowsers for cold! The good news was that just meant that we needed to warm up with some hot, er, correct that, "warm" chocolate! Life is good with a clean car and feeling back in all your fingers! :o)