Having grown up attending a Lutheran church and going to Sunday School and participating in numerous Christmas Programs, I was thrilled when it came time for Loganberry to be in his first one. I had been asking him about his program, but he really wasn't telling me much. So, imagine my delight to see on the program that evening that his name listed as one of the animals in the manager....my heart just melted. Then, lo and behold, my brave little boy turns out to be none other than the donkey! I don't think I could have been prouder!!! :-) I took some pictures of the program, but unfortunately most them turned out quite dark. But, I was able to get a great one of Logan with both sets of grandparents and I also got some video footage. It was such a fun, wonderful event. Here's to what they have in store for my little man for next year! Life is oh so good!